As I sit here and typing this I can not believe it has almost been two years. What a miracle God did for Josh.
This is a picture of Josh, Sarah and my mom in Alaska - I just love it and have to share.
So what about Josh? He had his yearly MRI and it is perfect - there is no evidence of a tumor returning. In addition during his sports physical they found he had 20/40 vision. We took him into our ophthalmologist and he really has 20/20 vision, another miracle. His left eye is the wandering one now - but all he has to do is close his eyes and rest a minute and it tracks back. They were amazed at how well he is control it. His peripheral perception is not bad. He is well enough to be released for getting his permit next year. Woohoo or should I be crying instead.
School - the kid is amazing. First of remember he is in a Junior Senior Geometry class and accelerated English class - he has straight A's in all his classes. He has one of the highest percentages in Geometry. His English teacher asked him to take journalism in the Spring so he can be on the newspaper crew next year, and honor for a Sophomore.
He is loving Spanish - keyboarding is a challenge but he is up to over 30 words a minute. Okay this mom could keep on bragging.
But one more - Josh was student of the month for October - they honor one freshman a month and my Josh was it. I am so proud. He is a great kid. Okay both my kids are the best.
Bruce has been letting Josh drive on the street, back up and such - scary. Josh has decided not to do basketball, he is too worried about his grades. But he is fired up for track. No pole vaulting unless he uses a helmet - but mom is fine with out it.
Thanks for the multitude of prayers still. We are where we are because of them. Josh still eats enough for a family of five, wearing size 11 1/2 shoes, and dreaming of the Outback, what a blessing. May the Lord bless you special as you have blessed us.
Love you
Lori (mom had to write)