Amazing at it may seem - Josh is now 14. What a great birthday he is having in Alaska.
He started the day with pancakes and sausage. Then Auntie Le May added sprinkles to the pancakes - yummy.
Then off to the movie we went - Aunt Connie and Grandma joined us for Kung Fu Panda. Lots of laughs - we are still quoting the movie and laughing from it. That was after a wonderful lunch at a restaurant in the mall - thanks Aunt Connie.
There was an arcade in the mall - so we spent some time playing games and being silly. Then Grandma bought us all ice cream - yummy - the best anywhere at Baskin and Robbins.
Back to Aunt Le May's for a brief time. Then we went to the Mountain Chocolate Factory - where Josh got to buy his fill of chocolates - if mom will share them with him. We then met family at the Sourdough Mining Company for a birthday dinner and lots of fun. Josh ended up eating over 10 oz of a New York Steak - and was still hungry. Thanks Aunt Le May and Uncle Doug for dinner.
This mom thought the highlight was watching him eat all that steak. We headed back to Aunt Le May's and he opened presents from Grandma. Yeppers a new DS game - and he is off.
He had a great birthday in Alaska - not many can say they came up here for their birthday.
Thanks for sharing with us.
The Henry Family
Bruce, Lori, Josh and Sarah
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