Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Back to School

This is Captain pretending to have had brain surgery too - I have one later of him with an eye patch too! What an awesome puppy!
Josh is back at school full days. Today he admitted he was a little tired - but had 4-H after school too. He is doing great. He was getting headaches from concentrating too much, but it does not seem to be effecting him at all now. Which is another praise.
Next Wednesday is the Sparrow Assembly for the High School Josh and my Josh and I will be going. They are then going to plan the assembly for our Josh at the Middle School. Josh is loving going to their meetings on Thursday.
I had to yell at my kids last night to stop being so perfect, as they are being great still. Loving the Brady Bunch and just taking it a day at a time, and thanking the Lord for each new day. What else could we want.
Thank you again for your prayers - God is good all the time!
The Henrys
Bruce, Lori, Josh and Sarah

Friday, January 26, 2007

More Praises!

This is a close up of Josh's scar - see how fast the hair is growing in - you could not even tell where Bill the tube was.
Josh is doing amazing at school. Yesterday he finished a state math test and scored three points higher than he did in the fall. Today he competed in the school spelling bee and made it past the fourth round. Not bad. We are so blessed that he is doing well.
He starts back to school full time on Monday. It will be a modified schedule because he is not able to have PE - but will do the health segments. He is back to playing the drums at church on Sunday and just doing everything but high impact.
We made the decision to not go to Seattle for Spring Break. We were not going to be able to see Dr. Ojemann, and with our camping trip it was not going to work out. We are trying to stay normal here. So we will do the MRI in Bend. But Children's is working on our 6 mos check up and working around Dr. Ojemann's schedule will be easier without school.
Sparrow is gearing up. We are not on the website yet - but when we are I will be sure to post it here. Well I am off. We are thank you for your prayers, as he is being another miracle! God is Awesome!
The Henry's
Bruce, Lori, Josh and Sarah

Monday, January 15, 2007

Having Fun as a Family!

We are enjoying our long weekend and doing nothing! I don't know if the kids are enjoying it as much as this teacher mom. Captain is having a blast.
We are busy working on our school work and trying to catch up from our adventure - but still playing games and watching Mork and Mindy - the new favorite.
How do you like Josh without the eye patch? We are on day 5 with no eye patch and no headaches or double visions - more praising coming from La Pine. It is such a miracle how quickly he is healing. Once again he was playing drums in church yesterday and praising the Lord. Yep, this mom cried.
Talking of church, we have gotten our pastor into blogging and would love share his blogsite with you. It is awesome, plus he is going to post sermon notes - so you can listen at the church website, after printing them off at his blog. This family has been discussing his sermons all week, as they are challenging and insightful. So check out pastor's blogspot at
Well off to watch Mork and Mindy with the kids and have breakfast. We pray you are taking time in 2007 to serve the LORD. Oh great is HIS majesty!
Love You!!!
The Henry's
Bruce, Lori, Josh and Sarah

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

More Praises Happening in La Pine!

This is our Josh! Woohoo this was taken tonight after celebrating some more.
We went to our eye specialist and we don't have to go back to him again - unless things get really bad. His depth perception is back to 90% from the 50% just two weeks ago.
He is down to the eye patch just half time, unless he develops headaches and double vision again. But actually he thinks we are doing so well it won't happen!
Josh is doing so well. He is going to school half days and thriving. He gets to stay for lunch and hang with his buddies. We are pushing now to stay caught up and get caught up at the same time. But his laughter fills the house.
Bruce is going back to work full time on the 29th so we are going to start Josh back full time on the 23rd and 25th and then full time permanently on the 29th.
Josh is amazing everyone with how well he is doing and healing so quickly. All we can say is that it is the grace of God and Josh is his miracle from conception to his death. Man the stories we could share on Josh.
So join us in praising the Lord - you have blessed us with your prayers now join us in praising. God Bless Each and Everyone of you!
The Henry's
Bruce, Lori , Josh and Sarah

Friday, January 5, 2007

CT Scan Results - Thank You Jesus

This is an older picture of Josh at Seattle Children's getting his CT scan before leaving the hospital.
But about today - we headed to St. Charles and had a CT Scan done there. Josh and I both agree that St. Charles CT Scan needs stickers like the one at Childrens. I was able to watch the scan and have seen enough that I could tell the fluid level was right and the swelling was down. I was just about dancing out of there.
Off to Dr. Yundt's office. Who we all adore and are blessed to have as our neurosurgeon in Bend. One of the finest around. He was very pleased with the CT Scan and the healing going on. Both he and PA Scott looked at the "war wound" and called Josh awesome. Our battle now is keeping Josh down and not bouncing around and running.
What does the future hold? Well no more CT scans! We are to get an MRI in 3 months. We were planning on heading to Seattle at Spring Break for it - but Dr. Yundt shared with Josh that MRI's at St. Charles you get to watch movies - so Josh is opting for home. In addition, we adore Dr. Yundt and he said he would confer with Dr. Ojemann. Then we would head back to Children's for our 6 month big follow up.
So we are doing awesome - and we can thank the Lord and each of you for your prayers. What a blessing they are. Josh is doing great, and trying to get back into the school work mode. Monday he will head back with Mom and Sarah. But lucky him, he is only going to do half days. His energy level is back up, and today he actually practiced his drum. He is excited to be back at church and playing the drums this Sunday.
Monday we see the eye specialist and both Bruce and I think the eye patch will be history! Hard to believe it was barely over a month ago that we were recovering at Seattle Children's Hospital and what a wonderful experience that was.
More on Monday after the eye specialist. Have a blessed weekend.
Love -
The Henry's
Bruce, Lori, Josh and Sarah