Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Day One down with Praises

We are praising the Lord in Seattle. We got here safe and with no car trouble - a first for this summer.

Josh had an intense MRI today - IV and all, and once again came through with flying colors - he said because he was rocking out to Steven Curtis Chapman.

Off to the opthamologist appointment - and finding out the results of the tumor on his eyes.

Are you ready - he has 20/20 vision and doing awesome. We saw the same doctor as we saw in November and he was amazed at how well Josh was doing. He mentioned that he had expected some serious permanent damage - even mentioned blindness. He told Josh to get out of there so he could see some patients that needed him.

There is still some damage looking up but not that bad - and said it could still be recovery too. He told us not come to back unless Dr. Ojamenn wants to see us in a year. He was so pumped - and made me feel so good.

Tomorrow is the 5 hour Psych test and then the big visit with Dr. O!!

Josh was the only one that slept good - so we are all heading to bed early tonight. Sarah had a fever earlier and was not feeling well but doing better now. We all hit the jacuzzi and hot showers and ready to call it a night.

We know we are doing well because of your prayers - as we have the Peace that is only from Jesus! Thank you so much for your prayers. More tomorrow night!

God Bless
The Henry's
Bruce, Lori, Josh and Sarah

Thanks Fields for keeping Captain for us - Josh is cool with it!!!

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