Saturday, August 18, 2007

Off to Seattle we go~

Bruce and Josh are at Leadership Camp, so Sarah and I will pick them up tomorrow and start heading to Seattle.
We will spend Sunday night with Bruce's folks and head to Seattle on Monday. Josh's first appointment is Tuesday at 1:15 for an MRI - yep he is excited again. Then at 3:30 is his opthamalogy appointment - looking forward to getting some answers about his right eye now.
Wednesday morning finds us in Neuropsychology for both the family and Josh. We won't get the results back till the end of September, but it will be good to know what is normal teenager and what is from the brain tumor. Then we end Wednesday at 3:30 with Dr. Ojamenn - we will find out on follow up MRI's release for PE and sports, and then the biggy - radiation.
I will try to post on Wednesday night from our hotel room. While in Seattle we are talking about heading to the zoo again - praying for no snow. Then maybe the Aquarium - some Pikes Peak Market - the space needle. We are going to head back to Salem and Bruce's folks on Thursday.
We will hang in Salem till Saturday and then come on home. Mom starts school the following Monday morning in Bend at 7:30 sharp.
It is hard to believe our summer is over. But what a blessing to be home and just having fun together this summer. We did no homeschooling, just some reading and the kids loved it. Where oh where has the time gone.
Thank you for your prayers, we are all a little anxious for this week and know your prayers are a blessing to us all.
God Bless!
The Henrys
Bruce, Lori, Josh, Sarah and Captain Rakshak!

1 comment:

Richard Lighthill said...

Hey, Henry family!

I am keeping an eye on the blog here and forwarded the link to it to all the church board members so they can stay up to date with what's happening and for the purpose of prayer !

Josh, I'm praying for you!
Sarah, you are important to us, too!